At the end of 2021, we launched the Momentos ADELANTE as a series of events planned throughout the duration of the ADELANTE 2 programme, with the aim of 'sharing reflections on Triangular Cooperation', open to Triangular Cooperation partners and all actors committed to development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The first Momento ADELANTE, in collaboration with the Regional Fund for Triangular Cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean Partners of the German Cooperation Agency - GIZ, focused on the potential of Triangular Cooperation to contribute in an innovative and effective way to the challenges of recovering from the post-pandemic crisis.
The second Momento ADELANTE, led together with the Ibero-American General Secretariat - SEGIB, encouraged reflection on the strategic potential that Triangular Cooperation may have for the countries of the European Union in the framework of their International Development Cooperation policies and strategies.
The third Momento ADELANTE, led together with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation - AECID, proposed a reflection on the potential that Triangular Cooperation may have for civil society organisations and local authorities as key development actors.
Consult the documentation on the previous Momentos ADELANTE
This fourth Momento ADELANTE, led together with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation - UNOSSC, aims to contribute to the reflection on the role of multilateral organisations in advancing the Triangular Cooperation agenda, analysing good practices and trends currently under development.
It will be attended by Felix Fernandez Shaw, Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Relations with all Overseas Countries and Territories of the Directorate General for International Partnerships of the European Commission - DG INTPA, and Dima Al-Khatib, Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation - UNOSSC, as well as representatives of multilateral and international organisations such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD, the Global Partnership for Effective Triangular Cooperation - GPI, among others. You may see the complete programme here.
A Momento ADELANTE led together with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation - UNOSSC.